The B&T Awards are back in 2019! And with this year’s astronomical event comes some new award categories (i.e. more chances to win!) Here’s everything you need to know.
The first new category is one for all the emerging technology gurus out there.
The Best Use of AR/VR is for anyone that has shaped an effective marketing campaign with a consumer focus using these technologies and showcase the power of Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality for a brand.
Judging will be based on the creative idea behind the campaign (25 per cent), the experience delivered through the campaign that could only be achieved by harnessing AR/VR (25 per cent), the appropriateness of strategy and solution to the original brief (25 per cent), and demonstrable proof of effectiveness and success.
Next, the B&T Award for Bravery is for those who have taken a risk with an idea.
Think Nike’s endorsement of Colin Kaepernick or M&C Saatchi’s “Game of Balls” campaign, the judges will be looking at the overall creativity (30 per cent), bravery involved in taking the risk – including how the risk was identified and managed (40 per cent), learnings from the campaign (30 per cent).
However, note the outcome of the campaign does not impact the scoring of this category.
The Executive Leader of the Year will also be joining the ranks for the first time at the 2019 awards.
In this category, nominees will be judged by the contribution they have made to their organisation and the wider profession.
Proven revenue and growth figures will form 50 per cent of the application, how the nominee is advocating for a more inclusive culture and demonstrate the growth their leadership has created is 30 per cent; and, at least one reference from either a team member, community leader, academic or client will form 20 per cent of the judging.
Finally, the Marketer of the Year category will also be making its debut this year.
This will look at how the nominee has delivered best practice and innovation in the market (50 per cent); indicate how the nominee is advocating for a more inclusive culture and demonstrate the growth their leadership has created (30 per cent); and, at least one reference from either a team member, community leader, academic or client(20 per cent).