Market research company GfK’s latest AudienScope research shows radio continues to lead TV and print media for its ability to tell real stories, start conversations and be interactive.
GfK has released qualitative insights from the research via a video featuring a range of interviews with focus group respondents.
Quantitative research undertaken alongside the focus groups backed up the findings, showing that 28 per cent of people picked radio as the medium they most associated with “having the human touch”, followed by TV on 21 per cent and newspapers/magazines with 13 per cent.
Dr Morten Boyer, general manager of GfK Media, said: “To understand why radio creates a more ‘human’ relationship with its audience, we had to take AudienScope beyond questionnaires and have an actual conversation. When we did this, people told us they are more engaged with radio because it is authentic and less scripted. More real.”
Joan Warner, chief executive of industry body Commercial Radio Australia, said: “These insights reinforce the fact that radio is one of the best ways for brands to start a conversation with their customers or take that conversation to a deeper level.”