ANZ’s latest campaign updates motorists every time a new business starts up in their local area – as part of a national “Business Ready” campaign across oOh!media’s large format digital billboards.
ANZ will use RSS feeds to display the name of the suburb where a new business has been established and how long ago – all in real time. Every time a new business opens, the creative will update with the latest new business details.
Noel Cook, oOh!’s Group Director – Road, said he was excited to see such a large national brand as ANZ use RSS feeds to not only promote a business initiative but also personalise and localise it in the minds of consumers.
“ANZ is using the dynamic capability of digital Out Of Home to engage more strongly with people in the community, using an optimum mix of content and coverage. This is the first time they’ve used the power of digital like this,” Cook said.
PHD’s group business director for ANZ, Simon Lawson said by fully utilising oOh!’s digital billboard portfolio to show new, local businesses starting up in real time, the ANZ Business Ready Campaign will grab consumer attention.
“This campaign will also inspire people to open their own business, and to think of ANZ. It’s important to PHD that we run campaigns that fully utilise digital out of home,” Lawson said.
ANZ’s Business Ready digital billboard campaign is live during February, nationally in landmark locations across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.
Creative agency: Whybin TBWA
Media agency: PHD Australia
Media: oOh!media