Everyone has to make a living. Some do this by making garish gifs of young women gratefully covered in jizz, alongside phrases like “stop jerking off” and “horny bitches in your area.”
One of those people is a young Jewish lady: an illustrator and graphic designer who didn’t even know what “amateur” meant when she first got into the porn banner game.
Adi Aviram was on vacation in Berlin and needed a job that didn’t require her to speak German. There weren’t many options. Then Adi’s friend, who worked in online trafficking, hooked her up with a job designing porn banners. At least she got to use her degree. VICE spoke to Adi about the initial thrill and then depressing reality of Photoshopping “amateur” sex all day long.
VICE: What did you do before you started designing porn banners?
Adi Aviram: I studied visual communication. I’m a graphic designer. So, when I started doing banners, apparently I was making them too good. The girls were too pretty, and the text was, like, Helvetica! It wasn’t unlike American Apparel ads. Actually, American Apparel isn’t that far from porn.
For the full article here.