New research into inspiration has been undertaken by the University of Sydney Business School and Richards Rose to produce ‘The Inspiration Code’ study.
There has always been a need for inspiration. To lift our spirits higher – for a period of time or just for a moment. Given the times we live in, you could argue the need for inspiration has never been greater.
Yet this softer skill has had little study and interrogation – it’s been left in the hands of a talented few rather than widely harnessed and adopted as a powerful business and brand lever.
The University of Sydney Business School and Richards Rose have set about changing this by developing a joint research study called ‘The Inspiration Code’.
Working from the principles of system one behaviour change, ‘The Inspiration Code’ will encompass seven specific studies across 2021, and will not only uncover the dimensions and triggers of inspiration, but will identify which ones have the greatest potential for impact.
The ambition being to help business and society use inspiration to drive transformation – both big and small.
The University of Sydney Business School and Richards Rose plan to share the findings with clients and the business community across the year.
“What we’re finding is that when we’re inspired, it’s not just a feeling, it can also compel us to act, and this is what makes it so fascinating and powerful for people and brands – that impetus to do something. But it’s been a bit of a black box – either you’re an inspiring leader or brand or you’re not. This study sets out to demystify and decode inspiration. We’re discovering the common narratives we can harness that lead to inspiration and put us in this transformative state,” said Jody Elston, Head of Strategy at Richards Rose.
“Digby and Jody came to us in late 2019 with their ‘move’ philosophy with a desire to learn more about its effectiveness at a business level,” said Vince Mitchell, Head of Discipline, Marketing, The University of Sydney Business School.
“After several workshops and our own exploration at the University, involving a variety of discipline leaders, we really got excited about the transformative role of inspiration. The learning being that it was complex with not a lot of research on its antecedents and consequences for business, so we were thrilled that it was approved for support by the University of Sydney.”
Pictured l-r: Digby Richards (Richards Rose CEO), Jody Elston, Vince Mitchell