SodaStream has launched its 2021 Earth Day campaign, ‘Don’t Just Share, Care’, which stars Randi Zuckerberg (sister of Mark) in an ad calling for consumers to show they actually give a sh*t about the world.
In SodaStream fashion, the brand shares important environmental messages in a humorous way, with Zuckerberg calling on people to not only virtually care on social media but also act in real life.
At the end of the video, Zuckerberg introduces a sustainable community platform where the company also published its own commitment to the environment implemented on
Here is something I'm actually VERY happy to share. My campaign with @SodaStreamUSA for Earth day, calling on you to not just share, but care about the planet. Don't miss my Broadway style number at the end. #Dont_just_share_care
— Randi Zuckerberg 🤗 (@randizuckerberg) April 20, 2021
Here are a few of the ways SodaStream says its committing to reducing its environmental impact.
Avoiding plastic waste
SodaStream reusable bottles offer an alternative to single-use plastic bottles. The leading sparkling water brand forecasts the avoidance of nearly 78 billion bottles by 2025, an additional 11 billion from its goal announced last year.
SodaStream will also switch to metal its flavor bottles starting at the end of this year, thus avoiding another 200 million plastic bottles.
SodaStream announced they are developing sparkling water makers from recycled or plant-based material for the first time, taking their commitment to the planet to their core category and thus making their entire portfolio greener.
“Our sparkling water makers are sustainable by essence; every SodaStream user saves up to thousands of single-use plastic bottles from ending up in waste,” SodaStream global CEO Eyal Shohat said.
“We are taking our commitment even further by introducing sparkling water makers made from sustainable material.”
A recent survey conducted by the company has shown that 84 per cent of SodaStream users recognised the positive impact on the planet and reduced their single-use bottle consumption.
Almost 80 per cent admitted becoming more environmentally conscious.
Reducing carbon footprint
SodaStream plans to meet 10 per cent of their global plant’s total energy requirements with solar energy by 2022 a five-fold increase from 2 per cent in 2020.
Through these investments, SodaStream contributes to PepsiCo’s goal of transitioning to 100 per cent renewable energy for company-owned operations globally by 2030.
In addition, PepsiCo has pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040, one decade earlier than called for in the Paris Agreement.
SodaStream’s Fizzi Starter Kit and Duo Starter Kit have been certified as reducing carbon by the Carbon Trust. This certification demonstrates SoadStream’s continued commitment to the environment and sustainability. The certification has allowed SodaStream to identify key areas in its products’ value chain where it can take action and reduce its overall carbon footprint.
Other company actions
Finally, SodaStream announces the closing of its offices on Earth Day and calls employees to join clean-up activities around the globe (where possible per COVID-19 restrictions).
SodaStream is also partnering with PangeaSeed Foundation, an ocean conservation non-profit with a donation towards the Foundation’s environmental education and awareness efforts.