There are some pretty remarkable people in our industry, each offering their own unique perspective to adland.
While we spend so much time learning about our peers’ career highlights, B&T, in partnership with Carat Australia, thought it high time to dig a little deeper, and find out what makes the shining stars of our industry tick and, at times, tock.
So, we’ve recently published – and are continuing to publish – a series of personal profiles.
Get ready to laugh, cry and be taken on an emotional rollercoaster as we hear more about the industry’s most remarkable marketers.
Taylors Wines CMO Miles Omodei: The wine renovator
In a nutshell, I’m the CMO at Taylors Wines, a husband, a dad, and I’m renovating a house. It’s a pretty busy life. One minute I’m on a plane (which is where I am writing this) and the next I’m off to Bunnings (because I’ve bought the wrong hose nozzle). I love the experience of learning, whether it’s a business challenge to be solved or something academic.
When I was a young boy, our neighbour owned a great Chinese restaurant and I would go to help (i.e. get in the way and eat the food) – I dreamt of one day working my way up to bartender. A few years later when the movie Cocktail was released, a lot of our glassware ended up on the floor.
I spent a fair bit of time throughout my schooling in detention and in the principal’s office, but I managed to get it together by the end. It was obviously unexpected for everyone, as the teachers thought I made up my final mark or that it was an administrative error.
My biggest career disaster was a typo in a spreadsheet – let’s leave it at that. If I was ever summoned to the CEO’s office, hopefully it’s because Taylors has won the world’s most awarded winery again and not because of a spreadsheet typo.
The best piece of advice I’ve ever received is, ‘If you’re not feeling nervous at all, you’re probably not breaking new ground.’ I would like to add to that advice – it could also be your gut telling you it’s actually is a terrible idea. Great marketers know the difference.
My best party trick would be getting invited. I’m not sure if everyone is having fewer parties or if I’m just not on the list as much as I used to be.