The federal election has been scheduled for later this month and in response Parents’ Voice have launched a new advocacy campaign, “Parents for Action”, which aims to give parents who are fed up with kids being targeted by unhealthy food marketing an opportunity to push for change.
Parents’ Voice’s partnerships and campaigns manager, Lauren Bais said, “Australian parents have significant concerns about children being the target of unhealthy food marketing and empty promises from government just aren’t cutting it anymore.
“Self-regulation of the processed food industry is clearly not working; mandatory intervention is required. We’re calling on the Federal Government to listen to Australian parents and act now!”
One of the group’s primary motives is enabling children to live, learn and play in a world that supports and promotes their health and wellbeing, including on digital platforms.
Parent’s Voice is now calling on the Federal Government to implement four distinct actions from the Obesity Policy Coalition’s (OPC) “Brands off our kids!” campaign.
These include ensure TV, radio and cinemas are free from unhealthy food marketing from 6.00am to 9.30pm; preventing processed food companies from targeting children; ensuring public spaces and events are free from unhealthy food marketing; and protecting children from the digital marketing of unhealthy food.
“We know from our “Brands off our kids!” campaign launch from last year that seven out of ten Australians want government to step in and protect children from unhealthy food marketing,” said OPC executive manager, Jane Martin.
Parent of three, Rebecca Zosel, added, “We want the government to put our kids’ health before profits. We need comprehensive regulations that will protect our children from being targeted by unhealthy food marketing both now and into the future.”
Parent’s Voice is encouraging all parents, as well as concerned organisations and allies, to get involved in the movement, whether that be via sending letters to their local members and newspapers, or by sharing their support for the movement on social media with the hashtag #PVParentsForAction.