Officeworks has launched the second phase of its Back to School campaign, with a series of new TVCs showing how the retailer is helping parents and carers have the “best back to school ever”.
With low prices and great savings at the centre of the TVCs, the first of two commercials shows the joy of three mums who exclaim: ‘School shop’s done’, with their three daughters letting out even louder squeals of excitement looking through their new school supplies.
The second one focuses on three dads playing cricket and realising it’s ‘almost back to school time’, while their sons joke about their dads being excited about the impending shop.
Officeworks general manager marketing & insights Jess Richmond said: “Given the many challenges that Australians have faced in 2020, we want parents to feel empowered and in control of their Back to School expenses in 2021, and even have a little fun while getting their children’s school list supplies.
“We know that many parents are time poor and have the added stress of work, home and family responsibilities, so finding the time for the Back to School shop can be challenging.
“This year, we’re helping parents save on average more than 25 per cent on their school list prices and we know these savings will continue to be important as they look for a convenient, low price alternative that takes the hassle out of getting back to school ready.”
The integrated marketing campaign continues to run across TV, radio, digital and social media, complemented by a CRM program, PR, influencer engagement and in-store activity.
Several enhancements have been made to the Officeworks website and School List Service, in a bid to help parents save time and take the guess work out of school lists in three easy steps: Upload, Compare and Save.
These include making it even easier to edit their basket, view savings and combine family purchases.
Agency partners for the campaign include:
Creative: AJF
Media: Initiative Melbourne
PR: Haystac
Featured image source: YouTube/Officeworks