With over 1,500 completions of their digital disruption competences quizzes, Daze of Disruption has found that ‘Natural Survival Instinct’ (NSI) is very strongly correlated with people who also score well in digital competence in a disruption scenario.
If you want a leading indicator of what your chances are in a digital disruption scenario, obtain your NSI score HERE.
If you rank poorly, you can test yourself on various aspects of your digital competence at these quizzes:
What is your Executive Digital Persona A quiz which will rank your digital competence as one of four persona’s. Provides tips on training and mentoring!
Can you let go of your past? A test to see how glued on to the ‘old ways’ you might be
Who can you trust to help? A test to see if you have the where with all to pick new friends and keep the good old ones
Can you think young enough? A test to see how young you are able to think, to see if you can relate at all with Millenials AND an important new demographic, the TWOTENIAL