Gemba is well known for delivering world-class business and marketing strategy for governments, sporting organisations and sponsors in the sport and entertainment industry. ClimatePartner helps businesses calculate and reduce carbon emissions, and offset unabated emissions, rendering products and companies carbon neutral.
By coming together in the APAC region, Gemba and ClimatePartner offer end-to-end climate action strategies for rights-holders of any size. This service guides rights-holders through the key components of a sustainability strategy – measurement, reduction of emissions, offset programs and communication strategies. All this is augmented with Gemba’s deep understanding of building world-class sport and entertainment organisations.
From measuring corporate and product carbon footprints, to reducing and offsetting those emissions, all the way to communicating positive outcomes, the partnership gives Gemba’s clients a tailored solution as part of their sustainability journey.
Commenting on the partnership, Gemba’s managing director Andrew Condon said: “With 72 percent of Australian sports fanatics passionate about environmental sustainability, our industry not only has a unique opportunity to play a leading role in climate action, we would argue that we have a clear responsibility to do so. Our alliance with ClimatePartner creates a clear pathway to enable sport and entertainment organisations and their fans to become part of the solution.”
APAC’s leading sport and entertainment consultancy has joined forces with a world leader in global climate action to offer tailored services to rights-holders and sponsors in the region.
Oliver Allcock, commercial sustainability manager at ClimatePartner said “ClimatePartner are delighted to support Gemba as they promote sustainability and climate action. ClimatePartner views sports and entertainment as industries that have a significant footprint but are also uniquely positioned to engage with customers and drive positive impact. We look forward to partnering with Gemba and working together to inspire climate action across the APAC region.”
Get in touch to find out more.