Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’d know that we’ve been giving you comprehensive breakdowns on what the new B&T Awards categories are all about, and today is no exception.
The people spoke and we listened, and that left us creating five new awards for you to win – four in the Agency of the Year sector, and one in the other specific categories.
This week we’ve explained:
- Research Agency of the Year
- Production Agency of the Year
- Branding & Design Agency of the Year
- Direct Response/Performance Agency of the Year
And today, we’re looking at the award for Best Use of Mobile.
This category highlights examples of marketing that leverages the wealth of opportunities offered through the humble mobile phone to effectively showcase a brand or its attributes or to drive an effective response.
With the advent of a mobile-first or mobile-only world, this award recognises campaigns that have mobile technology at their heart.
Judging will be based on the idea behind the campaign (30 per cent), the experience delivered through the campaign that could only be achieved by harnessing a mobile phone’s many attributes such as geo-location, accelerometer, GPS etc. (30 per cent), the timeliness of the execution (20 per cent), and demonstrable proof of effectiveness (20 per cent).
The submission should be no more than 1000 words.
You are eligible for the Best Use of Mobile category if you:
- Have created an advertising campaigns where users engage with a brand via mobile devices, whether through mobile banners, social media, in-app ads, SMS/MMS, or games.
- Have worked on a campaign that incorporates video, audio, animations, motion graphics, etc. that is created specifically for mobile devices that serves to promote a brand, product, or message.
- Created an ad that includes mobile web banners and posters, SMS or MMS advertising, in-app advertising (in-game, in-video), full-screen interstitials, audio advertisements.
- Can demonstrate an example of fully integrated cross channel advertising incorporating mobile i.e. from sophisticated in-app advertising, branded content and integration with social media.
And while any agency can enter this award, there’s a few mobile-specialised agencies that should be first in line to enter these awards.
Here’s looking at you: FrontFoot Nurun; Mnet; Dark Blue Sea; OBMedia; DT Millipede.
The B&T Awards is on November 18 2016 at Sydney Town Hall, and you can enter here and nab tickets here. It’ll be a night to remember, depending on how much you have to drink.