On Friday, Twitter announced managing director Karen Stocks will be leaving the platform with head of online sales Suzy Nicoletti taking over the role of country director of Twitter Australia. B&T had the pleasure of chatting with Nicoletti for this year’s Women In Media, learn more about the new director of Twitter Australia.
In the statement, a Twitter representative said: “Suzy Nicoletti has been appointed as the new country director for Twitter in Australia and we look forward to continuing to grow our local business with Suzy at the helm. Suzy has been with Twitter for almost three years overseeing the successful growth of our online sales channel.”
What was your first job and how has it influenced your current role?
My first job out of school in Los Angeles I worked as an account manager for a rental car company to production houses and celebrities. I got 100 phone calls a day at all hours of the night about the colour of the car, the smell, seat warmers. It was a totally crazy experience, but what I learnt was you can’t say ‘no’. It’s your job to fix things. There was no such thing as ‘no’, you always got to ‘yes’ somehow, someway. That lesson has taken me throughout my career- I always get to yes. I’ve made it happen with cars in Kentucky for JLO, I’m making it happen here today.
What do you love about working at Twitter?
The fun of digital is on paper your calendar looks nice and controllable; but I would say about 50 per cent of what I do is actually the emails and updates and the things that are happening between the meetings.
What’s the best thing about your job?
We’re in an environment where we’re growing, we set up the Australian Twitter office about two and half years ago so everyone that’s here is really committed to the cause, they’re passionate and excited. Everything we do together we share in the success, that environment is fantastic and it makes me excited to go to work everyday.
What’s the most challenging thing?
Most challenging part of the role is again that were growing. It’s exciting that everyday is different and new but every day you need to come to work prepared to execute both on what you planned and what you haven’t planned.
Because we work on real-time we often get clients calling us at 3pm and wanting something to go live in one hour. It’s an almost an everyday occurrence that my team gets a client who has seen a moment on Twitter they want to capitalise on and they ring us up on the spot. It’s that constant piece of prioritisation, you’ve just got to figure out a way to make it happen, get them live and get the right solution as well as balance the day which you planned.
Proudest moment, so far?
I’m really proud of where we are today at Twitter. When we started two and a half years ago, we had no idea where we were going to go, we had a handful of people at a rental space, we were introducing products into a new market. We were really trying to figure out how do we make this work with no roadmap, a lot of hours went into that and a lot of collaboration. Two years on we have a really diverse group of people and I think the culture is what I’m most proud of. People are happy to go to work everyday, people are excited, we’re still hitting our strides. That would be my biggest one.
B&T sends a big congratulations to Nicoletti.