Okay, so I wrote this post about 10 minutes ago, in a hurry… because I’m pissed.
I run a prominent Los Angeles marketing agency/production company, I write lots of articles. I’m a “thought leader.” (air quotes intended). I contribute articles to iMedia Connection, AdAge and Business Insider, speak on panels for MediaPost and Digital Hollywood. I’m an “expert” (quotes intended) in video, PR and social media marketing, according to the trades that interview me and allow me to write for them. I also work with big brands and startups, have zero ego and wonder why they even listen to me… but they do… a lot. Maybe because I’m unabashed, I know what I’m talking about and I speak the truth.
I’m also an ex-rocker – that’s why I came to LA – to be a rocker, and I still love to take time playing guitar, learning new songs and singing, which brings me to explaining the point of the title of this post. Are Brands F#@king Up YouTube Advertising?
About an hour ago, I started listening on YouTube to Bette Midler’s “The Rose” – an amazingly inspirational song for anyone afraid to follow their dreams. I worked out the chords and sang along. A lovely Friday evening.
Then YouTube let me know that Janis Joplin did a version… very excited… but as soon as I clicked, being a Joplin fan as well, I was treated to two ads – one in the lower third and one in the top right showing a big happy President Obama’s face promoting gun control.
I don’t even have a strong opinion about guns, or their control, honestly they scare the crap out of me and I don’t want one, unless I’m in a war or find myself on The Walking Dead, but according to our constitution, as currently interpreted, we get to have them and use them.
If The anti-gun gang wants to go after that issue, that’s fine. It’s America. Do what you want.
BUT, why in the middle of my search for versions of one of the most beautiful songs ever written, am I treated to these types of ads? Doesn’t make sense, but I know the answer – bad targeting. Horrible targeting.
For the full story, click here.