BONDS has brought a chafeless utopia to life in its new campaign ‘Goodbye Friction’ via Special.
The ‘Goodbye Friction’ campaign features the underwear brand’s latest ‘Chafe Off undies’ and is brought to life across Online Video, Social, OOH and POS. Four TVC’s are featured as part of the campaign.
“From all caps emails to gnarly carpark interactions, band breakups to the global political climate, friction really does have a lot to answer for. There’s plenty that can be soothed by simply donning a pair of BONDS Chafe Off undies, we’re looking forward to seeing what else the BONDS brand can take from punchy to positive,” Ryan Fitzgerald, executive creative director at Special said.
“We hear from men every day that chafing is their #1 pain point when it comes to undies. BONDS Chafe Off is revolutionising the game by stopping friction in its tracks. Through our cheeky BONDS humour, we hope to share the friction-free joy to Aussie men all around the country,” BONDS marketing manager, Liz Coburn added.
Client: BONDS
Head of Marketing: Kedda Ghazarian
Marketing Manager: Liz Coburn
Senior Brand Manager: Edwina Moller
Agency: Special
CEO/Partner: Lindsey Evans
CCO/Partners: Tom Martin & Julian Schreiber
CSO/Partner: Rebecca Stambanis
Head of Strategy, Melbourne: Nathan Rogers
Senior Strategist: Laura Wiseman
ECD: Ryan Fitzgerald
Creatives: Lauren Regolini, Locki Choi
Design: Sarah Ristevski
Managing Director: Sasha Firth
Business Director: Marnie Dunn
Business Manager: Maddie Williams
Head of Film + Content: Sophie Simmons
Senior Producer: Katherine Muir
Production Coordinator: Aleisha Winslow
Prod Co: Collider
Managing Partner & Exec Prod: Rachael Ford- Davies
Exec Producer: Tom Slater
Director: Nash Edgerton
Prod: Martin Box
D.o.P: Aaron Mclisky
Editor: Drew Thompson @ARC
Grade: Edel Rafferty
Online: Ryan Brett @ Manimal Post
Audio Producer: Irene Kakopieros
Sound Engineer: Daniel William
Social & TikTok Director: Alice Adlide
Social & TikTok Post Production: Denzil Heeger @ Manimal Post
Media Agency: OMD and Incubeta