Melbourne’s independent full-service agency, Spinach, has had a cracking start to the year with five new wins including a city icon, the South Melbourne Market, and Karcher Australia.
The five wins utilise Spinach’s full suite of services, with the agency looking after media planning and buying, digital, creative, strategy and more for the new accounts.
The full release:
“Building on the success it enjoyed at the end of 2013, independent Melbourne agency Spinach has continued its cracking pace in the first quarter of 2014 with more new business wins across a range of disciplines.
Spinach offers its clients creative, strategy, in-house media planning & buying, digital/social, production and research and each of the new clients has appointed the agency across various disciplines.
Since late last year, the new business wins are:
- Karcher Australia – a German-owned global cleaning and industrial sanitising business, famous for its pressure washers and household cleaning appliances, appointed Spinach for strategy and creative development. (Media is with Maxuus globally).
- Ledified– Australia’s largest supplier and installer of LED lighting for both consumer and commercial markets. Spinach appointed for media planning and buying.
- Gale Pacific – a publicly listed company with a range of home improvement brands, that is one of the largest suppliers to Bunnings. Brands include market leader Coolaroo (shade cloths). Spinach appointed for brand strategy, brand development and full service advertising (strategy, creative, media and digital).
- Slattery Auctions – leading national auction and valuation house for industrial plant and equipment. Appointed Spinach for video content creation and eDM planning and development.
- City of Port Phillip’s icon South Melbourne Market. Spinach appointed for media planning and buying including digital.
“It’s been a very fruitful last few months for Spinach with a very rewarding variety of work that has built terrific momentum in our business in 2014. It gives us great confidence in our experienced, full service, integrated offer. And we will have more to announce in the near future that underscores this confidence,” Spinach Co-Founder and CEO Craig Flanders said.
Billings are undisclosed.”