Quiip, social media and online community management specialist, has expanded its range of offerings with the launch of Quiillion, a game changing service that translates data captured by social monitoring and listening tools into rich and actionable insights and recommendations for clients.
Quiillion complements Quiip’s 24/7 online management and moderation services. It comprises a range of listening, monitoring and alert systems combined with the expertise of senior Quiip strategists, researchers and analysts who filter, distill, synthesise and analyse the masses of information generated on social networks, blogs and forums.
The Quiillion team makes sense of the data, delivering comprehensive reports and recommendations that enable organisations to uncover the real impact of their social media efforts and identify what they can or should do to achieve their social media, marketing and business objectives.
Quiip general manager, Julie Delaforce, said, “We are proud to fill a real need in the market with the launch of Quiillion. Organisations are suffering information overload.
“Their social networks generate masses of data, charts and reports that are mostly ignored because they don’t know what they all mean or how to act on the information. Quiillion solves that problem. Our expert team turns raw data into actionable business knowledge and insights.”
“Quiillion goes beyond simply monitoring or listening. Our highly skilled online community and social media managers understand the nuances of online communication, decode what people are saying about a brand online and translate it into easy-to-comprehend, insightful and relevant reports and recommendations.”
Sydney Writer’s Festival, is one of the first clients to use Quiillion and is already seeing the impact of the service.