Before we get to the top five from this morning, we must shout out to all those who entered into the ‘media’ category for B&T’s 30 Under 30, presented by the Newspaper Works. The voting for People’s Choice has continued to spike, and yet no one from the ‘media’ category is up in the top five.
It’s time to get your friends around and frantically clicking your name for the People’s Choice award.
You have until next Thursday (May 21). Head here to vote.
Meanwhile, the top five as of 10.20am this morning still contains the same people from yesterday so these guys have clearly gone gung-ho on rounding up the votes. However the positioning has switched up.
From fifth yesterday, Rishi Garg is now coming third, with Michael Gunadi slipping down to fifth.
The top five as of this morning are:
Maree Frakes – Your Majesty Co. Digital
Giverny Reid – Crown Group Advertising/Design
Rishi Garg – Association of Accounting Technicians Australia
Elyse Foley – Ikon Communications
Michael Gunadi – UM Specialist