Milk & Honey PR has achieved Investors in People (IIP) accreditation. This adds to the agency’s suite of independent quality measurements, which also include the Communications Management Standard (CMS) and B Corporation certification.
No other PR agency holds all three quality accreditations.
Investors in People is a movement to make work better. To put people first and care about their development, motivation levels and work-life balance. Building a stronger, healthier and happier society.
The assessment process comprised initial discussions around the company’s ambition, the production of an assessment plan, administration of an online survey and interviews conducted with a representative sample chosen from across the agency.
Milk & Honey PR was recognised for its effective board team, value-driven approach and commitment to engaging its people in performance improvements. All of these ensure high satisfaction levels amongst staff.
Milk & Honey PR founder Kirsty Leighton [feature image] said: “Our number one priority has always been to create a happy and ambitious agency. To put people at the centre of our operation with strong training, meaningful benefits and wellbeing schemes in place. Investors in People accreditation is a huge milestone, placing us within the top two per cent of all UK companies.”
Investors in People practitioner Javier Jaso commented: “I was really impressed with all the good practice I found at the business after only three years in operation. It is remarkable the level of sophistication Milk & Honey has in place for a business of its size. Great leadership and a happy, growing agency in which to build your career.”