Swedish agency Åkestam Holst has created a clever new play on words in its latest campaign for Ikea. Called ‘Retail Therapy’, the campaign uses a website to display products that have been renamed to match common Google searches in Sweden.
It’s a cheeky takeover of SEO, but these aren’t just any queries. Each refers to a relationship problem and is, as a result, linked to a product that can practically solve it. Check the video out below.
Some ‘Retail Therapy’ solutions are witty: ‘My daughter is out all night’ guides users to a disco ball, ‘My partner annoys me’ to a double-desk separated by a cubby wall, and ‘The attraction is gone’ points to magnets.
Others are befuddling. ‘My son plays too much computer games’ drives users to a pair of scissors? It isn’t clear whether the kid should take up scrapbooking, or cut the cord, perhaps.
Each landing page ends with an array of related products, in this case labelled ‘Related relationship problems’.
Agency: Åkestam Holst
Client: Ikea
Creative Director: Magnus Jakobsson
Art Director: Caroline Andersson
Copywriter: Felicia Jensen
Digital Producer: Alex Picha
Digital Strategy: Anna Lundeborg
Planner: Karl Andersson
Project Manager: Kjell Mansson
Production Manager: Mimmi Morén
Web Developer: Kalle Peterz