Heinz Tomato Ketchup superfan Ed Sheeran is not shy about his love for the humble sauce.
In fact, he even has a Heinz’s Tomato Ketchup tattooed to his inner arm.
The love affair is so big between the tomato sauce brand and global music sensation that just last week, B&T reported Heinz released a special edition of its famed ketchup called “EdChup”.
Now, Heinz has taken the singer’s love for its product to a whole new level, turning one of his direct messages to the company about an ad idea he had, into a real ad.
Sheeran reached out to Heinz directly to tell them he’d written a commercial about his favourite sauce. And, as it happens when you’re one of the most beloved singers in the world, Heinz was eager to run with Sheeran’s idea.
The spot, which stars Sheeran, illustrates just how worthy Heinz Ketchup is of bringing wherever he goes.
It’s a little weird, but ultimately quite brilliant.
Sheeran posted the spot to his Instagram alongside the caption: “This is pretty much what I was aiming for in life. Ketchup ad > stadium tour.”
The worldwide campaign will be supported by social, TV, and print featuring Sheeran’s Heinz tattoo.