Real-Time World Births and Deaths
Statistics on life and death are fascinating, but visualizing them on a global scale in real-time is mesmerising. This App, by Google, simulates the world’s growing and decreasing population, and might provide some usefulness if applied to disasters or hotspots. Optimists will be pleased to note that the Birth rate is almost 3 times 6.6/sec the death rate at 2.7/sec. (Click on picture below to reach the simulation)
Pixelstick – A Giant Step Forward For Light Painting
Bitbanger Labs have created an incredible light painting technology called Pixelstick – which absolutely redefines light painting. With the impressive capability of internalizing Photoshop files and alike, the Pixelstick is a toy, every designer and artists would want to get their mitts on. It’s hardly surprising then, that they have raised over $250K on Kickstarter.
Re: Sound Bottle – An Imaginative Way To Record Sound
Japanese designer Jun Fujiwara has won a prestigious Mitsubishi Design award by creating Re: Sound Bottle – a high tech bottle that can capture sounds. By simply uncorking the lid the bottle acts as a recording device, some further corking and uncorking plays back the recording. Jun was compelled to create this device as a musical creation tool and as a counter point to the highly produced way that music is created and recorded today.
Brain + Camera = Neurocam
Beware the Cyborgs. Boffins in Japan have created a wearable camera system that automatically records moments of special interest to the wearer triggered by emotions. ‘The memories’ are then transferred straight to your smartphone. At this point the device is not the most fashionable accessory, but it clearly demonstrates the future of wearable technology and it’s integration with human feelings and emotions.
Papa Sangre II – An Audio Only Gaming Experience
Papa Sangere II is an incredible horror game experience built by UK content company Somethin’ Else using a proprietary audio gaming platform. The player navigates the narrative through sound and audio cues entirely, following the directions of the narrator Sean Bean. To say the experience is immersive is under selling this incredibly creepy, and incredibly cool game.
Click here to see the trailer.
Madeline Tan is guest editor of this week's Digital Degustation from Naked Communications' Melbourne team.