Every week Naked Communications' Andrew Reeves scours the web for all things digital, quirky and innovative and presents it in bite-sized portions.
Clothes That Respond To Voice
The future of garments takes another bizarre leap forward with ‘Incertitudes’ a line of garments made with material that responds to human voices. These designs are the brainchild of designer Ying Gao whose clothing is part of an emerging trend integrating technology and haptic (touch based) experiments. In this case we see needle like adornments, much like the spines of a porcupine, woven into the pieces and which move when in proximity of human voice.
Reality TV Hits A New Low
The Bravo network in the US has dug to the bottom of the barrel with the announcement of their latest series called The People’s Couch, where viewers will be able to tune in to watch footage of regular people, sitting on their couches, watching other shows on TV. It’s either what they say it is: “…a funny, unfiltered comment on America’s current TV viewing habits”, or a poorly disguised ad for Snuggies and Doritos.
Hi-Fi Company Co-Opts Real-Estate Listings
In this very clever piece of lateral thinking – Swedish sound retailer Pause, and agency Akestam Holst developed an algorithm that assesses homes for sale listings in order to determine just how loud you could play music annoying the neighbours. The experience is deployed on a site called the Stockholm House Equalizer and it pairs listings with the perfect Hi-Fi. See it here
Freelancers Are Crap At Managing Money
Well that’s ultimately the insight Harpoon hit upon here to develop their app. Harpoon knows that freelancers work hard each month, but often cross their fingers, and hope they have enough cash to live their desired lifestyle. So instead of seeing them to suffer they’ve developed this piece smart utility to help out hapless freelancers so they can plan and mange their incomes better. Check it out
3D Alien Strip Club
Geoff Lillemon is a US based digital artist who has a penchant for the unusual, and his latest work is no exception. The piece is called ‘The Nail Polish Inferno’ and is a virtual art experience set in an alternative universe with alien creatures in what looks much like the strip club of your nightmares. The piece is explored using a device called the Oculus Rift, a virtual reality head set. It’s not hard to imagine that films might one day be experienced this way.