Carat Adelaide has launched a new campaign for SA Health – Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA) titled “Give Up Smokes”.
The challenge faced is that although there has been a decrease in Aboriginal smoking prevalence, tobacco smoking is the most preventable cause of ill health and early death among Aboriginal people. Smoking-related illnesses cause half of all deaths in Aboriginal people over the age of 45.
This campaign focusses on improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal South Australians by reducing the impact of tobacco smoking. The message is ‘live for the moments’, ie moments enjoying more quality time with children and family as a key motivator to quit.
Working with creative agency WDM and DASSA, Carat has rolled out a strong multi-channelled campaign using custom DSP targeting in the digital space to convert to site with high impact assets, while balancing the need for broadcast media for awareness in the outdoor space. WDM have overlaid QR codes on street and retail panels in suburbs that have the highest smoking rates in Adelaide, providing quick access to sites for ways to quit, and how to get support while doing so.
Manager of the Tobacco Control Unit in DASSA, Clinton Cenko, said this was a campaign formed from the leadership and vision of Aboriginal community leaders, with guidance from communities. “The campaign’s purpose is to reduce the gap between Aboriginal smoking prevalence and that of the rest of the South Australian community,” he said. “Smoking is four times more prevalent in Aboriginal communities than in the overall South Australian population, so this messaging is really important.”
Hannah Fisher, client manager, Carat Adelaide added: “I love the message this campaign is amplifying and also that we are specifically focusing on the Aboriginal communities in SA. While there is a broader Quit Smoking campaign in market, the fact that we are able to work with this audience was appealing to the team, who are all excited to be working on this campaign.”