Sydney creative agency Papermoose has created the new campaign for TAFE NSW – Sydney Institute comprising of 33 pieces of online media as part of an overhaul and rebrand for the education provider.
The pair came together after a pitch in May, and the new campaign aims to boost student enrolments by improving perceptions of the brand.
The soon to be released content brings together the work of Creative Directors Nick Hunter and E. James Wright, DOP Josh Flavell, sound design by BoomCrash Productions and graphic treatment by Therese Geronimo.
Director Nick Hunter said: "Papermoose wanted to create an integrated campaign that would cater to the needs of TAFE.
“We sought a consistent and considered aesthetic across all content to assist in establishing a new brand identity for TAFE.
“We felt the need to overhaul the whole look and feel of the message TAFE was putting out there and to make content that was engaging to a media savvy audience."
James Wright added: "We wanted to appeal to the heritage sensibilities that exist within universities while putting a modern twist on this idea.
“We did this by simulating 8mm film with scratches, vignettes, tinting, burns, specialised sound design and graphical treatment. We look forward to seeing the impact it has on next year's enrolments which will be the real measure of success for the campaign."