M&C Saatchi has come up with a novel response to Optus’ brief to ‘demonstrate the power of its network’.
Instead of rolling out the typical ad (think young man in desert/cattle farm/overseas city phoning his partner in a far off place) M&C decided the telco should create shark detection technology.
‘Project Clever Buoy’ brought together Optus, Google and tech company Shark Mitigation Services on the R&D project which resulted in smart ocean buoys that can detect sharks and alert beachgoers to their presence vie the Optus network. To watch an animation of the project click here. Visit this link to see a video news story demonstrating the Project Clever Buoy.
M&C Saatchi’s chief executive Jaimes Leggett said: “Clever Buoy is a compelling demonstration of the power of the Optus network.”
“We are fiercely proud of the result of our collaboration with Optus, Google and Shark Mitigation Systems. Product development is becoming an increasingly important component of the M&C Saatchi’s Group offering.”
Leggett said Clever Buoy is in its prototype phase and is about to undergo a series of commercial trials.
“The sheer brilliance of the work by Shark Mitigation Systems has been humbling,” he added.
Optus head of brand Nathan Rosenberg said the brand was “totally pumped” with M&C Saatchi’s response to the request for a project that would showcase the Optus network.
“We didn’t want just an advertising campaign, we wanted a really brilliant idea that could make a real difference.
“The project started out as a brainstorm but is now a digital project that has the potential to improve the lives of every Australian at a place they love – the beach. Clever Buoy could change beach safety as we learn more about shark behaviour through a truly revolutionary and digital method of detection.”
Google has selected the project in its Re: Brief project. It is the first time the internet giant has run a Re: Brief project in Australia. Coke and VW are among the iconic brands who have featured in Google’s Re: Brief which is designed to re-imagine what advertising can be.