So, just how bad is your music taste?
That question can now be answered by The Pudding AI bot that’s been designed by Mike Lacher and Matt Daniels.
The dark days of having dragged out back and forths with someone who thinks they have superior cultural tastes are over.
Rather than have a snobby Indy enthusiast belittle the artistic brilliance of songs like ‘Achy Breaky Heart’ and ‘We Built This City’ or anything by Pitbull, have an AI bot mercilessly slander you for free!
It might be wise to think twice before joining in on the trend of sharing your Spotify wrapped results on Instagram without giving The Pudding AI bot a chance to take your self-confidence down a peg or two.
All you have to do to experience the bots’ pointed barbs in all their glory is to go to the pudding cool website and log in with your Spotify account. Then sit back and relax as the rest of the analysis is taken care of for you.
In no time flat, you’ll find out what era of music you’re embarrassingly stuck in, the artists you’re worryingly obsessed with and as an added bonus have your personality harshly evaluated.
Despite the risk of having your Spotify labelled as “dad-rock-boomer-relaxation-basic-birth-of-christ-bad” don’t be frightened to join in on the fun.
This is a satirical project and doesn’t use real artificial intelligence, the bot is designed to be a faux-pretentious music-loving AI.