Australia’s Department of Treasury engaged Datalabs, a data visualisation agency, to visualise the 2015 Budget and improve how economic policy is explained to the public.
Datalabs’ animators crafted three short videos to feature on the official Budget 2015 website. As well as a ‘Budget Overview’ animation, Datalabs produced an animation explaining how the Budget will crack down on multinational tax avoidance, and another on changes to tax and benefits affecting businesses, consumers, and families.
Datalabs director John Ottinger said: “We’re really pleased to be part of making the Federal Budget understood by the Australian public. The animations we created for Treasury use everyday language and instantly recognisable symbols to tell a story about the economic data that makes sense.
“Economic data is often presented in a way that makes it inaccessible to the general public, but we believe it doesn’t have to be that way. Animation is a really effective way to present complex information in a way that everyone can understand.
“The Treasury’s decision to use animations to explain the Federal Budget shows that they are actively looking for ways to improve how they communicate with Australians.”