Image sharing social media platform Instragam is a roaring success for Sportswear brands according to digital intelligence company L2.
A study conducted by the digital company investigated numerous aspects of sportswear brands and their advertising, including how brands such as Nike, Adidas and Puma perform on social media in terms of their followers. Instagram was a boon.
Both Nike and Adidas surged more than 200 per cent, with Adidas showing a 261 per cent increase in follower growth year on year, and Nike leaping up by 252 per cent.
The whopping accumulation of followers has L2 suggesting how concerned with health and wellbeing consumers are now, as fitness has gone further than the gym and is now a done thing.
In a two minute, 46 second spot by founder of L2, Scott Galloway, Galloway explains how numerous brands, not traditionally fitness or sportswear brands, have stepped into this market for a slice of the action.
Due to the fashion brands coming in, the traditional sportswear brands have upped the ante on marketing and ad spend.
Check it out below.