Online esports tournament platform Mogul has entered into a partnership with Critical X, an esports organiser in India. It marks Mogul’s first partnership in the Indian market.
Critical X is a top contender in India’s esports realm with a fan base of over 5 million; as tournament organisers, talent management, and partners with event organiser entities Rage Quit and We Love Lan.
Mogul and Critical X have previously collaborated to host free tournaments on the Mogul platform for game titles; PUBG Mobile, Dota Auto Chess and Tekken 7 reaching maximum participant capacity.
Under the new Agreement, Critical X is set to launch a Branded Hub with a paid monthly subscription targeting mobile gamers in India. This subscription feature will offer members exclusive tournaments, priority registration and entry into raffles. Critical X and Mogul will also launch new tournament series for popular mobile game titles Free Fire and PUBG Mobile, offering cash prizes.
Mogul will retain 80 per cent of the revenue from the fan subscriptions, and 20 per cent of the revenue from advertising and sponsorship activities.
Launch of the paid monthly subscriptions and pre-registration for tournaments will begin this month.
Under the partnership with Critical X, Mogul has now entered the Indian mobile gaming market. India is the second-largest mobile market in the world, with over 400 million smartphone users and an expected 2020 mobile gaming market worth over US$2.4 billion.
Additionally, Mogul has successfully integrated with local Indian payment gateway, Paytm, to accept local currency payments in the region. Paytm is India’s leading payment gateway which offers mobile payments from cards, bank accounts and digital credits in one seamless platform.
Mogul’s CMO Mark Warburton, commented: “This partnership with Critical X is an exciting time for Mogul, as not only can we expand Critical X’s offering to their community, but it signifies two key milestones for the Company – entering the massive Indian market and integrating with a local payment gateway, Paytm, to accept payments in India’s local currency.
“We are excited to work alongside the Critical X team to develop their subscription and tournament series to engage and expand their large fan base as well as attracting more mobile gamers in the region to Mogul.”
Critical X’s director, Abhishek Joshi added: “After building our large fan base, partnering with Mogul will allow us to offer our gamers tournaments and a subscription feature like never before. I’m eager to get closer to our community, providing an entirely new way for them to engage with our brand, while monetising our offer.”