The Misfits media Company is excited to be bringing the Australian Impact Awards to life for the first time, with help from sponsors Wavia and Monash University. It’s a brilliant way to celebrate people who are making waves in a variety of industries, and highlight some of the amazing advancements in technology that we’ve seen in recent years.
The real question is – why should YOU enter the awards? Well, other than the obvious fame and glory that comes with the awards, it’s a great way to highlight some of the big impacts being made in your field. We want to know what people are innovating with, so you should ENTER NOW and let us know!
If you’re someone pushing the envelope for sustainable eating in the food industry, perhaps you could enter the Food Sustainability Award? Or, if governance is more your speed, we’re looking for ethical and responsible representatives for our Be The Change Award.
Then there’s those of you out there making strides in the creation of new ways to educate and teach – you can enter the Leading For Change Award! And if you’re someone working hard to create better quality of life for all, you should definitely consider the Life Extension Award. Or, if you’re making a difference in the world of environment and sustainability, you could apply for the Force For Change Award.
Perhaps you’re looking to create more sustainable options within the shopping industry. Why not enter in the Spending For Change Award? Then again, you might be doing more work for the entertainment industry, in which case the Playing For Change Award would be more your speed. And if you’re someone changing the conversation surrounding healthcare, then the Healing For Change award is definitely for you!
If better global financial sustainability is a goal of yours, then you’re exactly who we want applying for the Innovation For Financial Impact Award. And if sustainable and affordable housing is in your ballpark, then can we recommend the Shelter For All Award? And of course, we’d be remiss to forget those working hard on inclusion in the workforce, which is where the Inclusion Award comes in.
So what are you waiting for? Entries close on September 12, so head to the awards site and ENTER NOW for your category of choice! You’ve got this!