Andrea Sophocleous

Andrea Sophocleous is a journalist by training who has turned her skills to brand storytelling. She has a passion for stories well told, across all platforms and at all times. A social creature by nature, she makes a natural PR practitioner – and has the contacts list to prove it. As a journalist, Andrea specialises in covering the media, marketing and advertising industries; business, finance and property; and has also written extensively on technology, health and lifestyle. At a glance: • Sixteen years’ experience as a journalist, sub-editor, editor (print and online), PR consultant and communications specialist. • Specialise in covering the media, marketing and advertising industries, creativity, business, finance, property and lifestyle. • Experience in ghost writing opinion pieces and blogs. • Commissioned by businesses to create content for marketing material, content marketing initiatives, websites, annual reports, awards submissions and case studies. • Extensive experience in running an editorial team, staff management, budgeting, briefing journalists and photographers.
154 Articles