SBS has secured exclusive rights to the coverage of Sydney’s Mardi Gras this year on March 2 at 8.30pm.
The coverage will see the event expand further than just the streets of Sydney as SBS broadcasts social media conversations using the hashtag #sydneymardigras.
The coverage means that no longer will you have to stand admidst other sweaty people, craning your neck for a glimpse of the parade, or maybe paying the extortionate $10 for a milk crate to stand on.
“Social TV continues to shape the way audiences engage with and consume content.
SBS prides itself on creating bold event television and we are excited to extend our social TV offering to international audiences to join in the conversation,” Marshall Heald, SBS chief digital officer, said.
“To expand the Mardi Gras conversation to an international audience is a milestone for the network that will allow more people than ever before the opportunity to interact directly with this unique major national event.”
In celebration of the Sydney Mardi Gras, SBS has a large amount of LGBTQI coverage across its channels, including a selection of LGBTQI films.