Radio listeners are passionate, loyal and eager to share what they’ve heard on their favourite station, according to the second AudienScope behavioural insights research released by audience measurement provider, GfK.
AudienScope Q2 from GfK looks at the enviable relationship between a radio station and its audience. With a little help from some well known Australian song titles, the latest insights show that commercial radio listeners build a strong, lasting and deep relationship with their favourite station and they like to talk about what they’ve heard.
Results are from a national online survey of radio behaviour, providing context and additional perspective to the Australian radio ratings. This is the second AudienScope research which is to be released quarterly and involves 5,000 respondents per year. The AudienScope initiative, is believed to be the first quarterly behavioural study as part of an ongoing media audience measurement contract.
While the radio ratings provide data on “who” is listening to “what”, AudienScope looks at the reasons “why” by delving deeper into listening behaviour.
Key findings from AudienScope Q2, 2014 include:
- “Somebody that I Used to Know”
9 in 10 listeners would miss their favourite radio show if it was taken off air permanently.
- “Absolutely Everybody”
Each week, 1 in 2 listeners talk to others about what they heard on radio. The majority of people (95%) listen at least weekly, with over three quarters (77%) listening daily.
- “Truly, Madly Deeply”
Compared to other media, radio listeners are twice as likely to have just one favourite radio station. - “Never Tear Us Apart”
4 out of 5 listeners have been listening to the same radio station for more than two years.
Ms Joan Warner, chief executive officer of Commercial Radio Australia said: “The AudienScope results show us that radio does have a unique relationship with listeners and loyalty to a brand is what every advertiser is thriving to achieve.”
Dr Morten Boyer, General Manager of GfK Media, said: “The latest AudienScope research shows how powerful the relationship-building potential of radio is. Modern marketing is not only about products and brands; there is an increasing focus on the value of developing a relationship with your audience and consumers, and radio clearly provides a unique platform for this purpose”.
AudienScope Q1 showed radio delivered a more human connection than other media and was the leader in “share of ear”.