As we all get caught up in the hype of the Christmas period, Dentsu Aegis Network’s full-service agency Huckleberry is taking a moment to celebrate the ‘otherdays’ throughout December.
Why just celebrate Christmas?
The Huckleberry online advent calendar is a celebration of the eccentric, random and obscure holidays AKA ‘otherdays’. Throughout December, the agency is big upping the brilliantly off-the-wall, letting loose over what the agency folk love, and celebrating with a mince pie.
Check out the Happy Otherdays advent calendar: a total celebration of the eccentric, random and obscure holidays AKA ‘otherdays’.
Letter Writing day is on December 7, as well as National Dice Day on December 4. And don’t forget about Pepper Pot Day on December 29.
Check out all the otherdays here.