Rachel Service

Rachel Service

I help people ace work and life as the Happiness Concierge. A PR with 13 years experience, I have first hand understanding of how to avoid burnout and get noticed at work.I am an Advisory Board Member @ Freelance Australia, Mentor @ SheSays network, Speaker @ General Assembly and am regularly featured in ArtsHub, Marketing Magazine, Desktop and B&T.Having suffered burnout, anxiety and depression many times in my 20’s, I am now a mental health in the workplace advocate.If you'd like to learn how to get more out of your team - contact: www.happinessconcierge.com.au
MRC Revamp Fashion On The Field
  • Marketing

MRC Revamp Fashion On The Field

B&T loves racing season, it gives us an excuse to drink at work and shout at the TV, which we usually get told off for.