Today’s profile of fabulous women brings us Liana Rossi, social content manager at DDB Sydney, who spoke to B&T ahead of the Women in Media forum and awards on August 19. Check out what floats her boat and how she finds inspiration right here.
Describe your average day?
Does an average day exist anymore? Considering my job didn’t exist five or so years ago, it’s hard to imagine what it was ever meant to be.
My days revolve around the campaigns that are currently in production, which means I can be anywhere doing anything – meetings with clients, partners, platforms, shooting, in an edit suite… It keeps it fresh.
What drives you?
Humour. Collaboration.
What’s the hardest brief you’ve ever received or hardest job to execute?
Early in my career, I was briefed on an existing idea to execute as a content creator. It was an FMCG trying to promote not purchasing their products.
I don’t need to spell out why that’s difficult, and it’s even harder when you’re away from the source of the idea. It actually didn’t work out that well. (I’m laughing as I write this).
What would be your ultimate role?
I studied a design degree at Billy Blue College of Design where I majored in the Branded Environment, which has hugely influenced my appreciation for brand as a whole. The Billy Blue College of Design Branded Environments course consists of a combination of Interior Design, Communication Design and Digital Media subjects, with a focus on spatial design.
My favourite brands in the world have cohesive ecosystems that transcend media, and speak in a visual language that identifies them without traditional branding. It’s about standing for something, and ensuring everything you do – whilst obviously adapting to its environment – echoes that ethos. I would love to work across the board in this way.
What’s your proudest professional moment?
As the cliché goes, you’re only as good as your last job. I try to look forward. I sold a relatively inappropriate ‘stick pic’ joke to a client which was loved online.
In late 2015, I worked on a launch associated with the Star Wars franchise. It was kind of surreal sending work through to Disney to have signed off. I’m not sure George Lucas got to see it, though.
Additionally, we’ve received a Wood Pencil in this year’s D&AD for our Sydney Opera House #ComeOnIn campaign, which is pretty exciting!
What’s your quirkiest attribute?
I’ve unintentially become known for having coloured hair. It’s blue at the moment.
What do you think are the most exciting things in the marketing and creative world at the moment?
I’m becoming a bit of a data nerd, and being able to iterate work and build while campaigns are in market is so exciting to me. Research can get us so far, but the ability to capitalise on real time results is really interesting… as long as you don’t end too far down the rabbit hole.
Hardest lesson you’ve had to learn (in or out of workforce)?
How to fail, to feel comfortable with where I’m at, even though I have huge aspirations. How to not peg myself against the work of friends, peers and colleagues.
Cats or dogs?
Man’s best friend.
What’s your favourite TV programme?
LOVE – The Netflix series which is intensely complex, darkly humourous and beautifully truthful. I will always be able to revisit Mad Men forever, because working in Advertising doesn’t seem to shy me away from the narrative of Peggy.
What turns you on, emotionally, creatively, spirituality?
Talking to people. I like to know what they think. Beauty and cosmetics. Fine art. Movement. The past. Couture. Modern art. Rap music. Stories, of any kind.
I’ve been known to obsess over media phenomenon, or a Netflix series from time to time. I google everything I can think of.
What are the pearls of wisdom you know now, that you wish you knew when they were younger?
Have more confidence in your voice. You know more than you think.
What is your favourite word?
Yes – it usually indicates the kind of person who will find a better way to make something work.
What is your least favourite word?
Busy – I’m trying to use it less when people ask me how I’m going. It’s such a boring rhetoric.