Kellogg’s brand Nutri-Grain will be changing its packaging to be more balanced in its portrayal of its consumers, thanks to an eight-year-old from Canberra.
Fed up with only seeing men on Nutri-Grain boxes, Daliah Lee wrote a letter to the brand pointing out that girls “also do awesome things”.
Lee’s initial plea was met with a non-committal letter back from Kellogg, apologising Lee was not happy with the brand and promising her complaint would be “forwarded to our product development team”.
Disappointed with the lack of action, Lee started a petition to get people to rally against the sexist packaging.
Now, following a push from Fairfax Media, Kellogg finally decided to address the issue and publish a formal statement on Lee’s complaint.
In a statement, a Kellogg spokesperson said: “Hearing Daliah’s passion and, as a company that values diversity and inclusion, we’ve decided that we will update the back-of-pack imagery with images of both females and males.
“This will be rolled out in 2019, so that we can continue to inspire all Aussies no matter their gender.”
According to The Sydney Morning Herald, Lee is over the moon with the outcome.
“I jumped up and down and screamed, I was so excited,” she said.
“Finally all my hard work has paid off. Children are important as well and need to be listened to.”
Lee has now given herself a self-imposed ban on eating the ceral until the packaging changes.
“Only when I see the evidence they haven’t lied to me,” she said.
Meanwhile, Lee’s mother said: “I think one of most amazing things is that she is at that beautiful age where she genuinely believes she can change the world.
“It may be something as superficial as a cereal box but she’s aware when something doesn’t feel fair.”
It’s likely not the last time we’ll hear from Lee, who admitted she’d “like to be prime minister.”
B&T has contacted Kellogg for further comment.