It appears B&T may have jumped the gun a little with yesterday’s reveal that Publicis’ Spark Foundry had snared NBN’s $30 million media away from rival UM.
Although B&T stands by the reporting and believe our sources to be correct, an NBN Co spokesperson has revealed that no offical decision has been yet been made on the winning agency.
Richard O’Leary (lead image), NBN Co’s executive manager of media and external communication (customers), told B&T that the company’s $30 million media account has not as of yet been awarded to either of the two remaining agencies despite several sources close to the pitch confirming with B&T that Spark Foundry was indeed the winner.
O’Leary added that while the pitch was indeed down to a two-horse race between UM and Spark Foundry, the actual awarding was not yet finalised.
B&T stands by its reporting that Spark has indeed won the pitch, but the paperwork is yet to be finalised.