Kerri-Anne Kennerley has come out swinging in Alan Jones’ defence after The Chaser boys projected the shock jock’s number onto the sails of Sydney Opera House.
The beef kicked off during a heated interview on Ten’s Studio Ten yesterday morning, as The Chaser’s Charles Firth was brought on as a guest to discuss the prank.
Speaking to Firth, Kennerley said: “I think it’s very clever what you did for your show, but the number?”
She added: “I think that was too far.”
In response, Firth said: “Some people thought it was a good idea, other people thought it was a bit of a horrible thing to do to a person, but he’s been horrible to so many women.
To which Kennerley replied: “Oh what absolute rubbish.
“Yes he’s got a temper and he can sound very hard, but there are a lot of times where he’s done amazingly fabulous work and I don’t think it’s got anything to do with being a woman,” she added.
Kennerley then asked Firth for his number, which he happily gave to the host.
Moments later, Firth’s phone began ringing off the hook.
The on-air stoush follows the ongoing debate over whether the Everest Race should be able to broadcast ads on the Opera House sails.
The debate came to a head last Friday thanks to a fiery interview between Alan Jones and Opera House chief Louise Herron discussing the matter.
Many have slammed Jones since about the interview, claiming he bullied Herron.
Jones apologised yesterday.