Social media is a contributor to declining trust. How can brands buck the trend and use social media platforms to build it?
Trust isn’t something marketers can take for granted. We never could, but over the past few years, something has changed. Trust used to be the default for most of us, but recent data from the Edelman Trust Monitor shows that distrust is now the default for 6 in 10 people. Marketers can’t ignore the role of social media in spreading misinformation in this, so what are the implications for brands on social media?
Data collected by Zavy’s sister agency TRA paints a very clear picture of what builds brand trust. So, let’s look at what the data means for brands on social media.
1. Use social media to build fame
Brand trust is built on four drivers. Firstly, we trust brands that we hear a lot about. The more ‘famous’ you are, the more people trust you. Some think that people trust things that are well known because it suggests something called ‘expensive signalling’. A brand that is willing to invest (and has been investing over an extended period) clearly believes in itself and is here for the long haul. And, when people see you in lots of places, it amplifies the aura of fame, making mixed media and channels a powerful indicator of trust.
The outtake for social media marketers?
Being on social media is a very confident display of your brand, because you are vulnerable to negative feedback. Being strong on social creates a sense of overt signalling which will build trust.
2. Use social media to show you have a vision
The second driver of trust is about clarity. People trust brands that have a plan, a roadmap, and an ambition. This is a little like having a brand purpose except that it isn’t a static concept, it’s looking to the future. Having a vision of your future makes people feel like they’re in safe hands.
The outtake for social media marketers?
Branded social media posts often focus on the activation of the brand’s vision. This will help you build trust, but don’t forget to be clear about your destination, and not just how you’re going to get there.
This role is often left to TVCs or PR campaigns, yet there is real benefit in reinforcing the message through social content.
3. Use social media to show you are connected.
The third driver is where social media has a big part to play. People trust brands that appear to be well connected to what matters to people. That might be a social or cultural issue. It could be a customer experience issue. If people feel that you are in touch, that you ’get them’ and are responsive, your trust score climbs significantly.
The outtake for social media marketers?
Social media is the ideal platform to monitor sentiment and respond at pace. A well timed and appropriate acknowledgement of what’s on people mind’s is a powerful way to build trust.
4. Use social media to show consistency
The fourth driver of trust is consistency. No one trusts someone with erratic behaviour or inconsistent responses. Instead, we feel comforted and safe when we see consistent and predictable behaviour. The same is true of brands. Social media posts are an opportunity for brands to show that they turn up the way you’d expect them to. That there is cohesion and singlemindedness across all the brand’s touch points and communication channels.
The outtake for social media marketers?
Be the same brand on social that you are on TV or in your stores or wherever you turn up.
Brands on social media should embrace their role as contributors of overall brand trust and leverage the unique qualities of social media platforms to build fame, communicate a future vision, connect with people about what matters and be consistent with the whole of brand experience.
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