Ed Harrison, CEO of Yahoo7, has been elected as the new Chairman of Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Australia’s Board.
Unanimously voted to the role by the IAB Australia Board, Harrison will work closely with CEO Alice Manners to promote the continued growth and success of the interactive advertising industry in Australia. His appointment is effective immediately.
In announcing the appointment, the IAB Australia Board also recognised and thanked exiting chairman Mark Britt for his leadership of the board.
Harrison will be the principal contact and reference for Alice Manners between monthly board meetings and will oversee the roll out of IAB Australia’s upcoming strategies. He will chair all IAB Australia board meetings in accordance with industry best practice and current corporate-governance legislation.
Ed Harrison commented: “I’ve been involved with the IAB for a number of years and have first-hand experience of the substantial contribution that this organization has made to the industry. I’m extremely grateful to my fellow board members for giving me the opportunity to play a central role within the IAB and I’m looking forward to working with the IAB staff, its members and the increasingly varied mix of stakeholders in our industry.”
Alice Manners, IAB CEO commented: “During Mark Britt’s tenure as Chairman of the IAB Board of Directors, the IAB has delivered significant milestone projects including broadening its remit and establishing a big tent positioning for the digital advertising industry. On behalf of the members and staff of IAB Australia, I wish Mark well and thank him for his contribution to the IAB.”