Australian charity Good Thnx has been able to spread the word about its gratitude-based business, with the help of APN Outdoor and Cummins&Partners South Australia.
Launched in July last year by co-founders Shannon Poulton and Ante Juricin, Good Thanx has an online platform aimed at spreading goodwill by enabling someone to reward a good deed with a thank you – a thank you that can be immediately distributed to the charity of choice of the person who has done a good deed.
Described as the world’s first peer-to-peer thanking platform, Good Thnx said APN’s support, of around $500,000 of free outdoor media, would be used for a national outdoor campaign to say thanks to those who have gotten involved with Good Thnx thus far.
“The simple idea of embracing the power of gratitude and appreciation will act as a positive behavioural loop, encouraging more acts of kindness and more rewarding of good behaviours, and on it goes,” Poulton said.
“So when APN Outdoor kindly offered their support to our cause, it made sense for us to use the space to say thanks to the people and organisations that helped make Good Thnx possible.”
The three-month campaign started by saying thanks to Good Thnx interns, Brian and Younis, and will then say thanks to a number of different individuals or organisation every day for a period of three-months.
“APN Outdoor is very pleased to support and assist in getting the word out about this brilliant initiative,” APN Outdoor general manager of marketing Janine Wood said.
“Good Thnx represents the innovation and lateral thinking that APN Outdoor strives to embody and we are so happy to be able to offer our inventory to share the Good Thnx story with Australia.”
The Good Thnx outdoor campaign was co-conceived by Cummins&Partners South Australia, who also helped to broker the outdoor deal and directed the creative execution.
Good Thnx’s small group of shareholders, include the co-founders Shannon and Ante, as well as Google Australia’s Alan Noble, Cummins&Partners Adam Ferrier, and World Vision Australia’s former chief innovation officer, David Paterson.
Good Thnx’s has several foundation charities including; World Vision Australia, WWF Australia, RSPCA South Australia, St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria, and beyondblue, with more joining the platform since.
Now go and download the app and say Thnx to someone.
APN Outdoor
Good Thnx
Cummins&Partners South Australia