The Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) is today launching a new self-regulatory code specifically covering advertising for the wagering sector.
The AANA Wagering Advertising & Marketing Communication Code (the Code) provides a robust self-regulatory framework for advertising and marketing communication using any medium by Australian licensed providers of wagering services, including thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing, sporting events and betting on other events.
It allows the industry to ensure that the content of advertising and marketing activities is delivered in a responsible manner with particular consideration given to the potential impact on young people and those Australians who may find it difficult to gamble responsibly.
The Code was developed following an open public consultation process and drawing on input from the wagering sector, governmental organisations and regulators, media and academics. The Code is designed to complement the existing legislative, regulatory and industry self-regulatory framework, including the overarching AANA Code of Ethics.
The aim is to help ensure that advertisers and marketers continue to develop and maintain a high standard of social responsibility in the advertising and marketing of wagering products in Australia.
“A core purpose of the AANA is to ensure self-regulation evolves so that it continues to deliver responsible marketing and advertising. The over-arching AANA Code of Ethics underpins the system of self-regulation and, where necessary, the AANA develops industry specific codes,” Matt Tapper, chair of the AANA, said.
“The new code responds to community expectations that are specific to the content of wagering advertising and provides the public with a transparent and easily accessible complaints procedure via the single point of the Advertising Standards Bureau (ASB).”
Simone Brandon, director of policy and regulatory affairs at the AANA, stressed the importance of a robust self-regulatory system for advertising.
“Responsible, respected and innovative marketing is at the heart of what the AANA stands for and the new wagering code builds on a self-regulatory system which helps ensure that advertisers are aware of their commitment to the community and accountable to the community for how they communicate their products and services,” Brandon said.
The Code will take effect from 1 July 2016 and all advertising and marketing communication, using any medium, by licensed providers of wagering services will be covered by the regulations. The Code and accompanying Practice Note are available from the AANA website at