The emma Engagement metric has been created in collaboration by The Newspaper Works’ members Fairfax Media, News Corp Australia, APN News & Media and West Australian Newspapers, along with Magazine Publishers Australia and the Media Federation of Australia, to provide in-depth insights into readers of printed newspapers.
The metric has been designed by The Readership Works and Ipsos MediaCT to demonstrate a reader’s unique relationship with print titles. The metric measures 189 publications, including newspapers, magazines and newspaper inserted magazines.
emma has undertaken the world’s largest and most comprehensive study of print engagement with more than 20,000 respondents, drawn from the emma audience insights survey, asked about their relationship with publications.
“The new metric shows that newspaper readers have a distinctive relationship with their title of choice that demonstrates a deeper level of involvement and engagement, which is unique to our medium,” The Newspaper Works CEO Mark Hollands said.
“We welcome the Engagement metric which will both enhance the commercial value of print advertising for all publishers and provide advertisers and media buyers with greater confidence in their advertising investment in newspapers. The metric enables publishers to have a deeper and more valuable conversation with clients, demonstrating the significance of reader engagement and how advertisers can utilise these insights for their own messaging.”
Hollands said that the launch of the emma Engagement metric was one of a number of newspaper industry collaborations across various initiatives.
Those initiatives include:
- a forthcoming environmental campaign that will launch in July
- public affairs work including the Federal Government-endorsed Code of Practice for Sports News Reporting
- supporting the Future Forum newspaper industry conference, which will include a panel with the CEOs of the four major newspaper publishers, to will be held in Sydney on August 20 and 21
- working together with the Australian Press Council and the Audited Media Association of Australia to advance the industry
- the revitalisation of ADvance, the creative benchmarking research study that supports the development of great newspaper creative.
“The creation of emma in 2013 was also one of the largest publisher collaborations in the industry’s history and has proven that newspapers have growing audiences across multiple platforms. It is important that we continue to work together as an industry to prove that newspaper media is a vibrant, important and effective medium,” Hollands said.