Agencies Have Four Weeks To Air Pitching Gripes With Trinity P3’s State Of The Pitch Survey
Do you love or loathe the whole pitch process? Unload or expound…
ICYMI – 10 Take-outs From TrinityP3’s ‘How To Run A Successful Pitch’ Webinar
Miss yesterday's "successful pitch" webinar on B&T? You can now relive it…
Havas’ Anita Zanesco Rejoins Trinity P3 In New Business Director Role
Anita Zanesco rejoining Trinity P3 is yet another example why you shouldn't…
Revealed: Google Has A New Logo!
If anyone needs any more evidence that graphic designers get paid too…
Is Alphabet Google’s Mid Life Crisis Or An Apple iPod Moment?
Rather than a middle-aged balding man zooming around in a red Ferrari,…