QuantPlus has launched a “world-first AI-driven” insights reporting system that can break down advertising creative performance at an “elemental” level and boost ROI by up to 300 per cent (lead image L-R: William Bakhos, co-founder, Brad Pickett, co-founder and CEO, Salvador Klein, co-founder).
QuantPlus said that its tech had analysed up to 60 billion impressions over 30 countries and deconstructed ad creatives and ranking the elements against performance data to find the elements that perform best.
These results are then delivered to advertisers in “easy-to-read-and-implement” creative insights reports.
“Using QuantPlus data our customers “pre-optimise” ad creatives before launching into the market, where traditional methods only generate multiple creative variants or optimise ad serving post-launch,” said Brad Pickett, CEO, QuantPlus.
“With our new insights reporting, we can now deliver detailed elemental analysis of creative insights, enabling marketing teams to make precise changes to how ads are designed and created for each market before a single impression has been served. We are already seeing customers using our reporting improve ROI up to 300 per cent in early trials, as a result of ad design improvements driven solely by our reporting on the best performing creative elements.”
The company was founded last year by the owners of Australian media buying and digital strategy agency, GlobalRevGen.
The company said that TAFE Queensland used QuantPlus Global Insight Reporting to test its assumptions before launching into Japan and South Korea with “stunning” results.
“Using creative developed with QuantPlus Insights, TAFE Queensland reached and engaged twice as many South Korean students compared to their previous campaign, at half the Cost Per Click. In Japan, the new insight-led campaign attracted 90 per cent more visitors to their landing page. More importantly, this led to a 30 per cent increase in enrolments across both markets, returning enormous value to the advertiser,” said the company.