Lisa Stephenson (pictured below) is the founder of the the consulting firm Who am I Projects and author of Read Me First, a book filled with thought-provoking coaching questions, strategies for success and life’s must-haves. In this guest post, Stephenson offers her tips on driving loyal fans to your brand…
For over 20 years I have been coaching, mentoring and consulting. What I know for sure, is that those who find ‘their’ people, do better. I see women and men alike, receive massive returns in terms of personal and professional success when they invest in meaningful relationships.
You may have heard people use the term ‘tribe’ and clearly having a tribe is a good idea for obvious reasons. Tribes often include your family and friends which can be comforting and validating. What I am suggesting to you here is something quite different. Gathering your raging fans is strategic, emotionally smart and just one of the ways you can future-proof your career.
Your Raging Fan Club will make all the difference
If you are considering starting a new business or working up to a promotion, the people advocating for you could make all the difference. Perhaps you have a big adventure you want to plan or maybe it’s time to go back and do some study. Is this the time to run that marathon or change careers? Your health, relationships, career, financial aspirations and goals will have accelerated growth because of your Raging Fan Club. It won’t always be fun, but you won’t be sitting on your veranda at 80 years of age wondering what could have been.
Building your Raging Fan Club
As a global success coach, I am yet to meet anyone who really was an overnight success, and I have never met anyone who achieved success all by themselves. Successful people surround themselves with successful people. More importantly, they surround themselves with individuals who want them to be the very best version of themselves and believe they have potential beyond all measure.
It’s time to identify and build your very own personal Raging Fan Club. Remember, I’m not talking about your family and friends, but other people who have agreed to support you and advocate for your success. You’ve shown them your plan and vision. You have had a meaningful conversation with them about the specific role they play and together you have agreed outcomes and timeframes. They are people who will challenge you and celebrate you.
You don’t need ‘a’ raging fan, you need enough fans to form a club! They don’t need to know each other, but they do need to collectively believe in you. Imagine what is possible if you ever got them all in a room to robustly discuss the future of you!
Who should be in your Raging Fan Club?
- Truth teller | This person will say out loud what others may not be prepared to say. They will tell you the good, the bad and the ugly about how you are doing, the impact you are having on others and what they are observing.
- Visionary genius | This is where you get to dream. Your visionary genius will prod you to plan, play and think bigger than you are now. They will encourage your ambition and innovative thoughts. They will be ridiculously optimistic about what is possible for you.
- Director of reality | Well, someone has to do it. This is your Negative Nancy and voice of reason. They are likely to raise all the things you know you should think about and consider, but don’t want to.
- Party animal | This is critical. Celebrating progress and everything you are doing well must be recognised. This is where you get your energy and momentum. Our natural inclination is to focus on what we aren’t doing well. This fan will always remind you about your strengths.
- Promoter | We often find it hard to promote ourselves and/or our ideas. Your Promoter Fan is your ‘out loud’ advocate. This person is your living and breathing testimonial. They will tell everyone how awesome you are and seek out other people who can experience you and sell you.
- The expert | They’ve been there and done that. They have a world of wisdom, experience and stories to share. They know the stuff you don’t but should. Their mistakes are learning lessons in your pocket.
- Accountability partner | It was so easy to be motivated when you started out, but now you are tired, or finding it hard. Here is where you are reminded of your commitment and timeframes. Your Accountability Partner Fan will review your progress and support you in working through the next steps that are aligned with your goals. They will ensure you keep going.
The future is calling and there are people waiting for you to ask them to be in your Raging Fab Club. This is not the time to play small. You will never have today again. There will be no more waiting, thinking and procrastinating. Who are you going to call first?