Last Wednesday, adtech aficionados were blessed to be able to join IAS at their lunch event; CTV & Audio – The Real Media Stars of 2022.
The lunch was held at the lavish 12-Micron in Barangaroo and attendees enjoyed hearing insights from some of the biggest names in adtech.
Moderating the panel and kicking off the lunch with her enthralling insights on CTV and audio was the country manager at IAS – Jessica Miles.
She was joined the CEO of IAB Australia and media stalwart with 30 years in the biz, Gai Le Roy, alongside SCA’s head of digital sales and operations, Jonathan Mandel, Samsung Ad’s head of agency sales, Laura Wall, and last but not least, Omnicom Media Group’s ANZ head of platforms and capabilities, Adam Coulter.
The five discussed CTV and audio – giving their insights on ad repetition, consumer behaviour, how to tackle all this new tech from a creative viewpoint, audio’s speed to market, and much more.
Wall and Mandel exchanged witty competitive banter about CTV vs. audio which saw the two engage in a pitch-off at the end of the lunch.
“I think more people are watching CTV than they are listening to audio,” Wall jokingly said to Mandel.
“It’s big Hollywood blockbusters vs. Hamish and Andy.”
Banter aside, there was some great discussion of how the pandemic accelerated CTV and audio, how this tech related to privacy, and the panelists got the lunch-goers involved with the discussion through Q&A’s and impromptu surveys.
“Lockdown habits accrued over the past two years have seen both CTV and audio step into the limelight, with Australian consumption of these two channels increasing exponentially,” Miles said.
“However, there is still more work for the industry to do to ensure that marketer dollars match the increased consumption. The panel discussed the challenges around CTV and Audio, highlighting the need for transparency and standardised third-party measurement.
“There was agreement that leveraging a targeting approach that considered the context of the content was the ideal way to reach consumers in the right frame of mind.
“Furthermore, the panel discussed how each channel offers more native, integrated and exciting ad formats that create greater engagement with the audience, highlighting that a tailored creative suitable for each platform is key.
“While the audience is still out on who is the winner from the final CTV vs Audio panel pitch off, it’s clear from the discussion that both channels offer new and engaging ways for marketers to reach their consumers”.
The lunch was an amazing information opportunity for all in the world of adtech – whether they be a seasoned veteran or someone with a week in the industry.
For the full audio of the event click HERE.