To mark Cosmopolitan Magazine’s 40 years in Australia, B&T has teamed up with Bauer Media to bring you a special treat to mark the anniversary – four decades of the changing face and fashion of its front cover.
In May, Cosmopolitan celebrated its 40th anniversary with Beyonce as their cover girl for their “40 years of sexy” edition.
B&T has decided to take a look a bit further back through the annals to see who was adorning the front page of the magazine in Australia through the decades.
Meanwhile, as part of the 40th anniversary celebrations, oOh! Media is touring a pink Cosmo branded Kombi van across the Eastern Seaboard of Australia over 10 months connecting and engaging with readers. The vintage Cosmo Kombi, is stopping at key events targeting 18 to 25 year old Australian women such as University O Week celebrations and hot spot sampling at high traffic events.
Enjoy …